Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Uncovering The Link Between Probiotics And Gerd.
By Kathryn WhittakerYou may have never heard of probiotics, but they are essentialfor the proper function of the digestive system. Probiotics aregood bacteria that live within our digestive system that allowit to function properly and to fight of illnesses and self heal.If you dont have enough of these good bacteria in your system,you may have problems with heartburn. Though probiotics andGERD dont seem to be related, they are in a round about way.If you have the proper balance of probiotics in your system,you are going to have an easier time controlling reflux. When probiotics are balanced, the digestive system can then runas it should, and it will not be struggling to self heal andcarry out day to day functions. It is said that the intestinesshould carry at least 85% of the good bacteria in order tofunction properly and to fight off bacteria such as E. coli,salmonella, and other damaging microorganisms. However, mostpeople have more bad bacteria than good. This might leave youwondering how exactly probiotics and GERD are related. When the probiotics are out of whack, the body is moresusceptible to problems, and one of the more common problems isacid reflux. GERD often happens in a digestive system that isweak in one form or another, and that would explain why asystem that is low in probiotics might be more prone to havingbouts of indigestion and all of the associated pain anddiscomfort. Those who want to avoid taking medications to deal with theirheartburn might instead look into probiotics. This is a naturalcure, and has helped some with GERD. The treatment works byraising the amount of probiotics in the system, which thenallows the body to deal rebalance the digestive tract andeliminate potential causes of acid reflux. These probiotics aidin digestion in many ways, including help with lactose, allfoods, and some of the more troublesome carbohydrates thatpeople eat. Bloating, pain, cramping, and indigestion mayquickly go away. This treatment may not work for everyone, however it may beworth a try to avoid being stuck taking prescription medicationfor long periods. Continue reading for more information about how probiotics canhelp ease GERD symptoms and to grab your copy of the free AcidReflux newsletter by signing up below. Introducing probiotics into your diet is not something that hasto be difficult as they are found in many natural sources. Youcan find them in yogurt, by eating homemade sauerkraut and flaxoil. You can also find probiotics supplements if you dont thinkyou can eat enough of the right foods. However, to be beneficialensure that whichever supplement you chose contains at leastfive billion microorganisms in each dose. If you think that a lack of probiotics and GERD symptoms mightbe related, you can try introducing the foods or thesupplements into your diet, but be sure to talk with yourdoctor about what you are going to do. You may find thistreatment helps with your reflux, but it can also enhance yourhealth in many other ways.About the Author: By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a freenewsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux,Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about Probioticsand GERD at
Friday, June 29, 2007
Understanding Your Blood Pressure Reading
By Stan KitchenFor some people diagnosed with high blood pressure, treatmentmay consist of something as minor as a change in diet andexercise, or may require medications to get those numbers undercontrol. Your doctor will prescribe the proper course of actionto take depending on what your blood pressure reading says.Knowing what a normal blood pressure reading is, and how youcan get it will make things clearer to those diagnosed withborderline hypertension, or high blood pressure, as well asthose in more severe stages of the disease. Everyone knows the heart is the engine that makes the body run.The heart usually beats anywhere from 70 to 110 beats a minute,every minute, every hour and every day of your life. It carriesvital oxygen to every living cell, tissue and organ throughoutyour body day in and day out. If the heart muscle, or thearteries that transport oxygen enriched blood are damaged ornarrowed, the efficiency of that pump decreases, and can resultin high blood pressure. While millions of people these days arewalking around with high blood pressure and don't even realizeit, they will soon enough. Left untreated, high blood pressurecan causes aneurysms, or bulges, in blood vessels. If leftalone, high blood pressure may also cause kidney damage as wellas strokes and heart attacks. Knowing what your blood pressurereading is can literally make the difference between life anddeath. Blood pressure is measured in two parts. Your heart usuallymakes a "lub-dub" sound with each heartbeat. The first sound,the "lub", is the sound of the heart valves opening to help theflow of blood from the heart into the aorta and from there toarteries that supply blood to the entire body. That pressure,known as systolic pressure, is measured as the force needed byyour heart to push that blood into the aorta. The second sound,the "dub", is the sound of those valves closing. The exactmoment the heart rests between beats. A normal blood pressurereading is around 120/80. The top number shows the systolic pressure, the bottom thediastolic. These numbers may vary up or down by 4 to 6 numbersand you can still them consider them within the normal range. Though the lower the better, which means your heart is strongand is able to pump efficiently with fewer beats. If the blood pressure ranges from around 126 to 140, yourdoctor may tell you that you are "prehypertensive", or that youare heading into high blood pressure territory. Your lowernumbers may read anywhere from 80 to 90, and again, may varybecause of various circumstances. If you have a reading over140/90, you have high blood pressure, and your doctor will tryto lower it to prevent future complications. The best way youcan deal with and either prevent or lower blood pressure is toget it regularly checked, either by your doctor or nurse, or bytracking it yourself. Your blood pressure is what keeps you going every day, so makesure that you take it on yourself to know what it is.About the Author: Get the latest in blood pressure reading knowhow from the only true source at Check out our blood pressurereading pages.Source:
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Can Green Tea And Caffeine Help You Maintain Weight Loss?
Can Green Tea And Caffeine Help You Maintain Weight Loss?Copyright (c) 2007 Marcus StoutGolden Moon Teahttp://www.GoldenMoonTea.comWeight loss and maintenance is no laughing matter. Today, 60% ofAmerican adults need to lose weight, and many of them feeldefeated by their struggles. In addition, for many people,keeping weight off after weight loss is even more difficult thanlosing it in the first place.These difficulties are the reason that sales of diet aids are soconsistently high. People who are trying to lose weight areconstantly looking for any help they can find to increase theirweight loss and maintenance success.If you need to lose weight, it's critical that you make changesto your diet and your physical activity level. The followingsuggestions can help you to begin shedding pounds withoutresorting to extreme dieting measures: Substitute fish and chicken for beef and pork most days of theweek. Eliminate white flour from your diet. Eat whole grains, suchas 100% whole wheat bread instead. Eliminate refined sugar from your diet. Use artificialsweeteners and natural sweeteners like honey instead. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits andvegetables will provide more anti-oxidants and fiber, along withfewer calories than processed vegetables, particularly those insauce. Increase your fiber intake - Extra fiber will help you feelfull longer, helping you to reduce the number of calories you'reeating without feeling deprived. Watch the fat- Reduce the saturated fat in your diet. Avoidany food with hydrogenated fats or trans fats. Get your fats fromolive oil, canola oil, fish and nuts. Get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week.Walking is a great way to get in your exercise, and it'sconvenient because you can do it anywhere. You should also get instrength training 3 times a week for 30 minutes each session.Strength training will help you build muscle, which will help youburn more calories even when resting.Making these changes should allow you to lose weight graduallywithout feeling hungry. Only when you make changes that you cansustain for the long term will you be able to take off the weightand keep it off.However, while it's critical to understand that diet andexercise will always be the keys to maintaining a healthy weight,it's always nice to find little tricks that make losing weightand keeping it off just a bit easier.One substance that does seem to hold promise in weight loss isgreen tea. Many studies have shown that the consumption of greentea along with a healthy diet can help you lose more weight thandieting alone.It is believed that green tea's potent anti-oxidants combinedwith the caffeine in the tea help speed up the metabolism andburn fat. In addition, some studies have even shown that greentea can inhibit the absorption of dietary fat, meaning that lessof the fat you eat ends up as body fat.However, one interesting study suggests that green tea'seffectiveness may be negated if you consume too much othercaffeine in your diet. A study conducted by Maastricht Universityin The Netherlands attempted to show how green tea would affectparticipants attempting to maintain a recent weight loss. Itshowed less promising results regarding the consumption of greentea, particularly when the participants were high consumers ofcaffeine overall.In this study, 104 overweight and moderately obese men and womenwere put on a low calorie diet for 4 weeks. During the four weekperiod, the participants lost an average of 7.5% of their bodyweight. During the 13 week maintenance period, the participantswere fed either green tea or a placebo. The participants did notshow statistically different results between the group receivinggreen tea and the group receiving the placebo.However, the study did show that participants who had overallhigh caffeine consumption regained more of the weight they lostthan those who had a lower overall caffeine consumption.* Whenyou consider these results compared with other studies whereadditional caffeine consumption was restricted, and a correlationbetween the use of green tea and weight loss was observed, itsuggests that excess caffeine use may negate green tea'spossible positive effects.If you look at the entire body of research on green tea'sability to enhance weight loss, it seems very promising, in spiteof the results of this particular study. And, the good news is,that even if green tea doesn't help you lose weight, it's veryhealthy for you and has no side effects.So, you have nothing to lose by trying green tea as a weight losssupplement. Green tea's anti-oxidants may hold significant powerin helping you avoid diseases like cancer, heart disease andAlzheimer's. In addition, regular consumption of green tea mayreduce the signs of aging and help you live a longer andhealthier life. And, in addition, you may find your weight lossefforts easier and more effective than ever.----------------------------------------------------------Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, ( green tea ( and black tea go to
Friday, May 11, 2007
Can The Cabbage Soup Diet Help You Lose Weight ?
The Cabbage Soup Diet is different and a little extreme, atleast at the start. Here are all the details and a new cabbagesoup diet pill announcement at the end of this article. In the world today, there are millions of people who areoverweight. Obesity is on the rise, and many people are lookingfor a way to shed a few unwanted pounds quickly. There are many methods that those who want to loose weight canuse, one being dieting. There are thousands of diets on the market today, one of theoldest being the cabbage soup diet. Those who choose to usethis diet plan should be prepared for an extremely strict dietregime. There are many different recipes for cabbage soup, however theclassic recipe includes cabbage, onions, peppers, garlic,celery, mushroom, carrots, and tomatoes simmered in vegetablestock. This unusual diet allows you to eat as much cabbage soup as youwant throughout each day. Adding various fruits and vegetable onassigned days is the only variation to the menu. The only drinksthat are allowed on program are water, unsweetened fruit juiceon the days that fruit is assigned. Skim milk is allowed; onthe days that it is assigned, and black coffee and plain tea. Here's the scoop on how this eating plan is structured: Day one of the cabbage soup diet allows you to add as muchfruit as you want to the menu with the exception of bananas. Day two allows you to add vegetables to the menu, including onebaked potato with a small amount of butter. Day three allows you to add fruits and vegetables to the menu.However, potatoes and bananas are to be excluded. Don't give upjust yet. Day four of the cabbage soup experience allows you to add eightbananas to your menu, and as much skim milk as you want. Day five is a treat and a relief. You are allowed to add up totwenty ounces of beef to the menu and six tomatos. Day six of this weight loss program allows you to add as muchbeef and vegetables as you like to the menu with the exceptionof potatoes. Day seven allows you to add brown rice and vegetables with theexception of potatoes and unsweetened fruit juice to the menu. It is important that you remember to spread the menu allowancesthroughout the day. Do not have all of them all for just onemeal. It is also important to remember that this particular soup dietplan is meant to be used for only seven days. Using it anylonger can lead to serious health problems. There has been a great controversy in the medical communityregarding the cabbage soup diet. Some experts feel that thisdiet may be harmful to some people. Therefore, it cautionshould be used when considering this diet. Obvioulsy, it is not recommended for everyone. It is crucialthat you consult your physician before starting the cabbagesoup diet to rule out any underlying health problems. Yourdoctor will advise you if this is the right diet for you.About The Author: Ken Black is the owner of Visit us to learn moreabout healthy weight loss.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Celebrity Weight Loss - How You Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars
By: Tracie Johanson Why is it that celebrities always seem to be thinner, sexier and more beautiful that us? What weight loss secrets do they use to get that way? Is it a diet, a diet pill, Weight Watchers, or what? It seems that if we could only get the inside information on the new celebrity weight loss program or weight loss pill, then we'd be almost guaranteed to experience fast weight loss of our own.Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Denise Richards, Janet Jackson, Daryl Hannah, Whitney Houston, Kirstie Alley and many other celebrities have all been in the news lately because of their own personal weight issues. This article looks at what weight loss strategies have worked for these and other celebrities, and how we can apply these same tactics to our own situation. Most Celebrities Are Thinner Than Us:Despite the few celebrity weight loss failures, there's no denying that most celebrities look better than we do. Models, for example, are 23 percent leaner than the average (source: Perhaps their trim appearance is part of the reason why we, as a nation, have such a fascination with the celebrity lifestyle.Indeed, we typically reward and idolize the more slender celebrities. Just a quick look at People Magazine's list of the '50 Most Beautiful People 2005' reveals that only the lean made the list. People's 'Most Beautiful Women of 2005' list reveals the same thing - celebrities (at least the popular ones) are more thin than we are.Even when we do find a celebrity that doesn't look like a stick figure, invariably we find that they have recently lost some weight. "No longer a crash dieter, Oprah Winfrey.....who at her heaviest was 237 lbs., has been eating right, sticking to lean protein and hitting the gym as she aims for her "safe zone" in the 150-lb. range. "Maybe for the first time, she's doing it for all the right reasons," says trainer Bob Greene of the talk-show queen's workouts (source: How Do They Do It?Even though celebrities do make diet and nutrition mistakes, the majority of them are still thinner than us. So how do the stars achieve quick weight loss when we battle and fight just to lose a few pounds? Is there some secret weight loss product or weight loss plan they're keeping hidden from us?The secret is that there is no secret. Celebrities try the same diets we have, including the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet and countless others. There is no mysterious diet plan or diet product that works for every celebrity all the time, just as there is no such plan that will work for every one of us.Celebrities that are successful in achieving a healthy weight loss generally do so with a nutritious weight loss diet and regular exercise. Take a look at these examples:"I think Oprah Winfrey wins the weight battle of 2004 -- she looks fabulous.....Look at her, she's never looked better. She's been skinnier -- that's true -- but she's never looked better." "Oprah should set the standard for Hollywood weight loss," Paula says. "She's been very open about it. She's been up, she's been down, she's been wide, she's been skinny." She continues: "She didn't do the surgery and she doesn't really do the fad diets. She eats healthy, she has a personal trainer and she works really hard at it" (source: Richards put on 30 lbs. while carrying Lola (born June 1), but Richards had a secret weight-loss weapon: "It's called the Stress Diet," she says, half-joking, - and alluding to having filed for divorce (from Charlie Sheen) in her sixth month of pregnancy. But mostly she can thank her work with trainer Garrett Warren: She's been kickboxing and doing abdominal exercises four to six times weekly - and adhering to a portion-controlled diet (source:"All eyes were on the miraculous weight loss of Hollywood in 2004," Paula says. "But there's no real miracle about it, it's exercise, it's eating right and sometimes -- it's surgery!" (Source: Why Does It Work For Them And Not For Us?It's no surprise that eating the right foods and exercising regularly will help us achieve our ideal weight. So why is it that celebrities seem to have so much more success than we do? There are three reasons why the stars lose weight faster than the average American:1) Celebrities have more time than we do.2) Celebrities have more money than we do.3) Celebrities have a bigger incentive to stay fit and trim.Although they do work long hours while touring or filming, there's no denying that the stars have more disposable time than we do. When you're rich enough to hire a nanny, a driver, a personal chef and many other assistants to take over the time-consuming tasks of life for you, it's easy to find more time to exercise. "Singer Jessica Simpson started a new exercise routine to get in shape for her role as Daisy Duke in the upcoming Dukes of Hazard movie. Her workout includes two HOURS a day of squats and lunges and has motivated her to create a new workout video. "I have a white-girl bootie, so I'm doing all my squats to lift it a little bit and get some junk in my trunk," says Jessica (source:"Usher's been workin' on his abs since he was 16, but claims that it's all because of good genes.....hard work and being disciplined - oh yeah, and 1,000 CRUNCHES a day. Usher also has a daily routine he calls "forty minutes of funk" which includes stretchin', skippin' and jumping jacks. Then he moves onto push-ups, leg raises and tricep dips.....can you say fitness freak!" (source: only do celebrities have the time to exercise for hours on end, but they typically have the money to hire the absolute best weight loss support team. Julia Roberts, for example, earns an estimated $25,000,000 each year. Cameron Diaz earns $20,000,000 annually. Angelina Jolie pulls down about $12,000,000 each year and Reese Witherspoon gets a $15,000,000 yearly paycheck (source: With that much cash on hand, the stars can easily afford to hire the best personal trainers, the best nutritionists, the best dietitians and the best personal chefs."Celebrities also have the luxury of personal trainers and nutritionists to help them with rigorous diet regimes" (source: a personal chef to prepare every meal, celebrities find it easier to follow a low fat diet. A registered dietitian in the house makes it easy for stars to get a unique diet recipe or any other weight loss information they want. Simply put, having the salary of a celebrity makes it easier to lose weight.Indeed, it's that same high salary that gives celebrities their incredible incentive to stay slender. The blunt truth of the matter is that Hollywood and the entertainment industry is not kind to overweight stars, often shunning them in favor of 'thin beauty'. Celebrities see a very real connection between their weight and their earnings power, which gives them the motivation they need to keep trying when many others would give up.Statistics show that approximately two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight. As a nation, we're trying to win the battle of the bulge, but we often lack the motivation to consistently exercise and eat right. How much easier would that struggle be if there were a $25,000,000 prize waiting for us when we reached our goal weight? How We Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars:Although most Americans can't afford the same support staff hired by the celebrities, we can learn from their success and use that information to achieve our own health and fitness goals. Here's what we can do to copy the weight control tactics of celebrities:1) Find an exercise program that takes less time.2) Search for free diet information and free weight loss information.3) Earn and keep more money by losing weight.First of all, it's time to face reality that most of us will never have hours each day to dedicate to exercise like the celebrities do. That's not an excuse to quit! Instead, find an exercise routine that will get results in a shorter period of time. A great example is circuit training, where you get aerobic and resistance exercise at the same time. By combining these two types of workout into one, it's entirely possible to get real fat loss results in only thirty minutes each day.Some time-strapped celebrities use circuit training to achieve their fitness goals. Matthew McConaughey, for example, ".....was circuit training - combining cardiovascular exercise with muscle-strengthening moves....." (source: STAR Magazine 11-14-05).Circuit training works, especially for those of us short on time. As an example, consider Pick Up The Pace 30-Minute Workout For Women. This is a health club that offers hydraulic circuit training and has seen gym members accomplish incredible results. As reported on their website, member Minnie lost 10.5 inches during the month of February 2005. Vymell C. lost 9.5 inches the same month. The site also reports that Betty K. joined Pick Up The Pace in January, 2003. By September, 2004 she had lost 50 inches, and dropped from a size 18 to an 8. Stacie Y. lost 68 pounds, 54 1/4 inches, and dropped 6 sizes.The next thing we can do to mimic celebrity weight loss success is find free diet information and free weight loss information. The truth about health and fitness is out there, and much of it is free.Finally, we can copy celebrity weight loss by giving ourselves a real cash incentive to lose weight. While we probably won't ever hit that $25,000,000 payday, we can earn and keep more money by losing weight. It's true! Losing weight will help us earn and save more money. "Studies have consistently shown that obese employees are paid less than normal-weight employees doing similar jobs" (source: comprehensive study of wages in 1998 found that obese workers earn significantly less than than non-obese employees. How much less? About $3.41 per hour! This discrepancy was found only in those workers who had employer-sponsored health insurance, perhaps suggesting that the higher costs of insuring obese individuals was being passed on to the employees themselves. (Source: Bundorf and co-author Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research).So it's possible that losing weight could eventually add substantially to our paycheck! But did you know that losing weight may also lower the amount of money we personally pay out in medical costs? According to a study published in Health Affairs recently, obese Americans pay $732 more for health care each year than do normal-weight adults. Is that as much as a celebrity earns each year? Of course not - but it is a cash incentive for us to lose weight!Celebrities will always have the advantage when it comes to weight loss. But with some extra effort we can achieve the same results!Article Source: Tracie Johanson is the founder of Pick Up The Pace, a 30-minute exercise studio for women, focusing on fitness, health and nutrition for maximum weight loss. Please visit for more information.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Easiest Way To Lose Weight
By: Melanie Mendelson If you think there is no easy way to lose weight - think again. The easiest weight loss method could have been staring you right in the face all this time. Here it goes: Stop drinking soft drinks. Drink water instead.Dumping the soft drinks from your diet will result in dropping some serious pounds. Think about it: A can of coke packs in 150 calories. Just 3 cans of coke add up to 450 calories. Now, you are in for a shock: a quarter-pound cheeseburger sets you back by only 360 calories, which is less than those 3 cans of coke. Now, what would you rather have: a warm juicy cheeseburger or the sugary water from the can? If you currently drink 3 soda cans a day, you can save 450 daily calories by switching to plain water. Water has zero calories. Let's do the math: since one pound of fat equals to 3500 calories, you will lose roughly one pound per week just by leaving the coke behind. Yes, you've heard it right - you can lose a pound of fat every week while you eat as much as you normally do. No dieting, no starving - don't change a thing about what you eat. The only thing you change is what you drink.Now, let's do some more math, which gets better and better. 1 lb per week equals 4 pounds per month. Multiply 4 pounds by 12 months, and we get 48 lbs of ugly fat per year!Unbelievable, huh? Calorie savings on drinks provide you with yet another advantage: you can now eat more and still lose weight. For example, if you substituted 3 cans of soda every day with water, you have 450 calories to play with. If you eat an extra piece of chocolate that's worth 200 calories, you still save 250 calories and lose 24 lbs per year. I can now almost hear you say - "Well, Melanie, what if I don't drink 3 cans of coke a day? I only drink one soft drink for lunch!" Good for you! Now, consider this: if you swap this lunchtime coke with water, you will lose 16 pounds per year. How's that for a freebie weight loss?Since soft drinks don't make you full, it is very easy to dump them. Drinks are "liquid calories", "empty calories" - calories that are just not worth it. Soda drinks have no nutritional value - just useless sugars and chemicals that rot your teeth, make you gain weight and don't even fill you up. Take advantage of the easiest weight loss tip on Earth -eat your calories, don't drink them.Article Source: Mendelson has helped hundreds of people lose weight with her rapid weight loss diet. Who else wants to lose up to 25 lbs in 30 days? Read weight loss success stories at
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
How To Speed Up Weight Loss On Medifast Diet
Medifast weight loss program is one of your last chances tolose those extra pounds in no time and get slim again. I reallymean your last chance, because thats the truth what has beenwritten and said for diets and weight loss so far is what willbe rewritten and repeated for years on end.Medifast diet is one of the last truly unique weight lossprograms that provide you with everything you need to loseweight fast and easy - up to 20 pounds in one month. No moreshopping, cooking or counting calories - Medifast products andmeals are nutritionally well balanced, clinically tested anddelivered directly to your door.Medifast meals include all the food you need Medifast shakes,bars, puddings, soups, drinks, snacks and many more Medifastproducts.Medifast weight loss is simple - follow the Medifast lowcalorie diet plan and lose the extra pounds.You can either start your 4 or 2 weeks successful weight lossjourney with Medifast diet plan, or you can design your owndiet plan menu. Diabetics foods and meal plan are alsoavailable.Medifast weight loss is fast enough you can lose up to 20pounds within a month. However you can speed up the weight lossprocess by following some simple rules, which I collected foryou:Rule Number 1 Avoid all tempting snacks and replace them withMedifast diet products"Leave the chocolates alone and have a Medifast ChocolatePudding instead, or a Medifast Hot Cocoa."Rule Number 2 Set up small achievable goals.If the scale doesnt move down, dont let your self be caughtby the numbers and dont get discouraged! Focus on your currentgoals, stay on the Medifast and the results will come soonerthan you expect.Set up small achievable goals. Dont try to slip on into size 8from the very first couple of days on the Medifast. Keep onupdating your current goals as soon as you reach them.Remember - Medifast works all the time. So even if the scaledoes not move, you have surely lost a few inches from yourwaist.Rule Number 3 ExercisingExercising is something you cant go without in order to speedup Medifast weight loss. But not at the first couple of weeksbecause your body needs that period to adapt to the new dietplan. You can try moderate exercises from the third week.However if you are practicing some sport at the time you startthe Medifast diet, you can go on with your lowered intensityexercising until your body adapts.About The Author: Read more about Medifast benefits in ourMedifast Diet Review at take a look at our Medifast Weight Loss article at
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